Art Things / Installations:

What’s an Art Thing (Installation)?

The Art Thing Collaborative, Inc. is on a mission to bring art back to life by reintegrating it into our communities through accessible, meaningful, and community-driven creations.

Art Thing installations reflect the belief that art is essential to community living and identity. These “Art Things” are more than just sculptures, murals, or other types of public art—they are collaborative expressions of community identity, created with and for the people who live there.

By collaborating with local residents, artists, and organizations, we ensure that every “Art Thing” embodies the unique values, stories, and spirit of the community it represents.

By reflecting the community thru art in shared spaces, “Art Things” give us that shared sense of belonging and connection that we need to bring people closer together.

How We Create Installations:

  1. Community Engagement:

    Everyone has a say in what gets created. We host workshops, conversations, and kid-friendly activities to gather input and ideas from the community. Together, we develop a collective vision that highlights what makes each community unique—its people, its place, and the experience of living there.

  2. Collaborative Creation:

    We collaborate with local artists who work closely with the community’s vision to turn shared ideas into multiple design concepts that reflect the identity of the town or neighborhood.

  3. Collective Decision-Making:

    The community has the final say. A public vote determines the final design, ensuring the artwork truly represents the whole community.

  4. Final Execution and Installation:

    Once the design is chosen, we contract with local artists, craftspeople, and community volunteers to bring the vision to life. From concept to installation, every step is rooted in collaboration, making the final piece a true community achievement.

Explore Our Art Thing Installations:

Check out our projects below:

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The Art Thing Collaborative, Inc. is a social arts organization dedicated to celebrating and connecting communities through art.